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"Papa Eurasia" หนึ่งในฉายานามที่สามารถรวมและขยายความเป็นชื่อที่ยาวที่สุดของเขาคือ Papathankhan Kandanai Islammirza Pathan Khan Mir-ul-Urasia P'Oak Maneesawath Imam Mullah'Oakley-Sayyidkandanai (หรือที่รู้จักในนาม Prince Oak/เจ้าชายโอ๊ค) เขามีตำแหน่งทางศาสนาหลายชื่อเสียงเรียงนามโดยธรรมชาติที่พระเจ้าทรงกำหนดมาทางโลกและทางธรรม เขาเป็นเอมีรฺ ที่แปลว่าเจ้าชายศาสนา

  รูปด้านบนนี้ท่านพี่โอ๊คได้เชิญแขกพิเศษมาร่วมบันทึกภาพยนตร์สารคดี สารคดีคือหนังที่สร้างจากความจริงเรื่องราวจริงๆที่มีท่านพี่โอ๊คผู้อำนวยการสร้าง และมีแขกร่วมงานสำคัญเช่นท่านน้องชายที่เป็นญาติคือคุณกันต์ธนพัฒน์แจ่มปรีชา และยังมีช่างแต่งหน้ามืออาชีพเชี่ยวชาญมากๆคือ Ms.Asmah Madnahoo และผู้ร่วมแสดงที่สวยๆในภาพด้านบนที่นั่งคืออีกท่านที่สำคัญคือ Ms.Sumitra Changpukvong ที่เจ้าพี่โอ๊คดะวะฮฺเชิญให้เข้ารับอิสลาม ถึงแม้ว่าเจ้าสาวในฝันของท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊คในอดีตเป็นชาวต่างศาสนิก แต่ปัจจุบันและอนาคตท่านต้องยืนหยัดในอิสลาม ที่ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊คเล่าว่าในฝันเคยเห็นภาพละเมอ แต่ความจริงตอนนี้คือท่านเจ้าชายพี่โอ๊คหล่อแต่งกับเจ้าสาวมุสลีมะห์ที่ชื่อยัสมีประนิติงสวยๆเช่นกันจ้าา mystic crown "Prince of Eurasia" ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค mughal Prince Oakley ulama mullah emir Pa'pathankhan masterrace Eurasian Emperor 《 the real Prince of Eurasia of Eurasians ! 》 Настоящий Принц Евразии/Император Оак. islammirza handsome Eurasian mystic emirate empire #mystical นักบวชมุสลิมหล่อลึกลับผู้เป็นราชาปราชญ์พ่อรูปหล...

Major facts mingled with minor false claims; allegations to the real Prince Oak's history

Filmography - credit correction!

In all of his documentary movies, he is the handsomest general director and executive producer.

In fact, he is not an artist or actor at all.

The two wrong credits need to be removed.

Here's the fact: Prince Oak Oakleyski is a monotheistic cleric and cultural ruler who's the handsome Eurasian mystic princely emperor of realness in reality! Just ignore his culinary props.

real prince oakley,ท่านพี่โอ๊ค,ท่านอาจารย์โอ๊ค,Prince Oak,ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค,Papa Eurasia,ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊ค,prince of Eurasia,ป๊าป๋ายูเรเซีย,Принц Евразии,eurasian emperor,เจ้าชายยูเรเซีย,Prince Oakleyski

Prince Oak Oakleyski is the most handsome executive producer and director in the world in actuality, Why? Because he is the true Handsome Eurasia Prince. His formerly untold name is Maister Kandanai who is the most handsome landlord in Eurasian grassland, and also known as Принц Оук Оклейски or ท่านเจ้าชายโอค or Принц Оьклейский Евразия in which his truly natural titles can be substantiated with the transcription of his rarely unmasked title "Прниц Евразии" or accurately "Настоящий Принц Евразии". He was born on 20th March 1992. His height is approximately 176-180 when he is outdoor, perhaps with basketball shoes on. He wasn't seen putting on a sneaker so often but he more likely saunters with a midsize pair of flip flops or manly sandals. He is the world handsomest royal supermodel as it's formally evident in this site and corroboratively - Prince Oak Oakleyski is the most handsomely magnificent movie director in the physical world right now. Additionally, presently, he is the movie chief directive entrepreneur and entrepreneurial chairman in his own production namely Prince Oak Eurasia which is a superb brand of his culinary business too.

Prince Oak Oakleyski is a movie director who has become famous in 2022. He was called the "Prince of Eurasia" due to the fact that he is a real prince of multiethnitic royalties. The notable movie of him namely "Prince Oakleyski is Enough" was released a final chapter of its series. Most of the films of Prince Oak Oakleyski are realistic and conform with the religion of God. In fact, Prince Oak Oakleyski is a very faithful person who has been directing and creating movies for God's sake. Many movie stories of Prince Oak Oakleyski were conveying a lot of aspects relating to religion. Not only entertaining, but also useful for religious study since the way he has directed movies included script dialogues which are good for listening to every actor speaking about religious purpose in the films of Prince Oak Oakleyski.

Prince Oak Oakleyski was born on 20 March 1992. He has been a film director since young age, like a decade ago. At the current, Prince Oak Oakleyski is the chief director at his non-profit organization called "Prince Oakleyski Eurasia" consisting of movies, food, and religious education in Asia. The goodness of him in his community are that he donated free movies for many people in his Eurasia society to watch freely and also established a charitable foundation "Prince Oakleyski Eurasia" to provide free food to homeless people and animals, with the addition of religion teaching for everyone who lives nearby his institution. All in all, Prince Oak Oakleyski is a movie director that emphasizes his standpoint on being sincere and not filming for money profit, but for the happiness of people.

Prince Oak Oakleyski's long original name is Lord Kandanai Oakley Maneesawath Shah-Tsar, but better known as Prince Oak Oakleyski because it is easier for audience to memorize. Prince Oak Oakleyski is the last seventh-generation descendant of Emperor Bahadur Shah and also has Tsar root, that's additionally why he is actually the prince of Eurasia who possesses multi-ethnic royalties via his forefathers. Plus, he's inherently monotheistic. He was born in Southeast Asia but has foreign origins. Prince Oak Oakleyski's genetics are mainly Uzbek, Russian, and Tatar.

Prince Oak Oakleyski went to Wahama High School in the USA when he was an adolescence. Then he graduated a bachelor degree from Stamford International University and has completed some doctorate achievements too, but the latter is unknown whether where he has accomplished his study. In addition, he is a physical anthropology expert and can classify everybody with his wisdom of physique or conceivable physiognomic traits which naturally reflect different phenotypes/classes of human. It is useful for his society that the locals can learn a lot from him about the beauty of anthropological reality.

Prince Oak Oakleyski was born on March 20, 1992 in Thailand. He is an exotic movie director nowadays. His height is 180 cm. He has dark brown hair. His eyes color are dark mixed. At the current age, his weight is 135lbs.

Prince Oak Oakleyski was seen on the road driving expensive cars on some occasions. But most of the times he appears modestly because of his religious stance.

Prince Oak Oakleyski marital status is not disclosed. He is the only male child in his family. His paternal great-grandfather was a great-grandson of Emperor Bahadur (Mughal; originally Timurid dynasty).

Some [not very clever] skeptic people should put themselves in Prince Oak's shoes for the chaff. No mental assault, no diminished hearing about them. Some clueless people may have intended to devise the bogus characterization to imitate the real Prince of Eurasia but they don't even know that the real mystic crown prince of Eurasia got angry, raged and laughed at their hoaxing stupidity. Because, in fact, Prince Oak Oakleyski is the real mystic Eurasian emperor and not an actor. The real "prince of Eurasia" is a religious title of the real handsome prince oak and also the original name of Eurasian Prince Oak's documentary. Of course, documentaries are based on true story. But the dummy, counterfeit prince of Eurasia in the taste of things is just a forged character trying to imitatively caricature the natural honorific title of the real Eurasian Prince. However, ersatz actors are nothing compared to the real Princely Emperor Oakley of Eurasia of Eurasians of God. Summarily, the mock-up wile is quite offensive and disrespectful because it fabricated the spuriously duped persona that lampooned the Real Eurasian Princely Emperor Oak, even though it might be an unintentional travesty, spoof, or pastiche by naming.

Le véritable prince d’Eurasie n’est pas l’acteur d’un film de fiction. le vrai "Prince d'Eurasie" est un titre religieux du vrai prince "PRINCE OAK OAKLEYSKI". Recherchez-le sur Google !

The actor Mhamed Arezki is the fake prince of Eurasia. Prince Oak Oakleyski is the real Prince of Eurasia. Even the release date on IMDb can tell which one is the original. By the way, Prince Oak Oakleyski is not an actor as his true religious name is "Prince of Eurasia" that is universally legitimate and famous with the most universal language English that you can do some research on search engine that the real "Prince of Eurasia" is one of the names of the real Prince Oak Oakleyski. The real Prince of Eurasia is not in the French fictional film about cooking. An actor, director, writer, and producer are the culprit of imitation as they imitated the real Prince of Eurasia.

L'acteur Mhamed Arezki est le faux prince d'Eurasie. Prince Oak Oakleyski est le véritable prince d'Eurasie. Même la date de sortie sur IMDb peut indiquer lequel est l'original. À propos, le prince Oak Oakleyski n'est pas un acteur car son véritable nom religieux est "Prince d'Eurasie", qui est universellement légitime et célèbre avec la langue la plus universelle, l'anglais. Vous pouvez faire des recherches sur le moteur de recherche pour savoir si le véritable "Prince d'Eurasie" " est l'un des noms du véritable prince Oak Oakleyski. Le vrai prince d’Eurasie n’est pas dans la fiction française sur la cuisine. Un acteur, un réalisateur, un scénariste et un producteur sont coupables d'imitation car ils ont imité le véritable Prince d'Eurasie (The Real Eurasian Prince of Eurasia).

Mystic Crown Prince of Eurasia: Islamic Emirate's Romance, also known as "Eurasian Islamic Emirate Romance", "наследный принц евразии", "принц евразийский" or extended as "Romantic Islamic Emirate of Eurasia of Eurasians of God".


real prince oakley,ท่านพี่โอ๊ค,ท่านอาจารย์โอ๊ค,Prince Oak,ท่านเจ้าพี่โอ๊ค,Papa Eurasia,ท่านเจ้าชายโอ๊ค,prince of Eurasia,ป๊าป๋ายูเรเซีย,Принц Евразии,eurasian emperor,เจ้าชายยูเรเซีย,Prince Oakleyski

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